By far, one of the questions I get asked most frequently is how long or how many treatments it will take to see results with acupuncture or how long herbs will be needed. While I have a clear foundation and explanation that follows, I often feel that it’s not being fully received or understood.
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Imagine you are 40 weeks pregnant, give or take a few days and the text messages and phone calls start coming in: Have you had that baby yet? Are you still pregnant? When are you going to have that baby?
We are generally not patient with pregnant women in our culture. No pressure or anything, but why can’t you have this baby “on time?”
Continue readingAcupuncture during Pregnancy
I work with women at different life stages and transitions and recently I’m seeing more and more women seeking prenatal acupuncture care to support the time surrounding childbirth. I’m thrilled that more women are coming to understand the value that acupuncture can have during this transformational time.
Continue readingMoon Cycle Wisdom for Women’s Health
Women are intimately connected to the moon through the menstrual cycle. This is a really powerful concept for women to understand. Just like the moon waxes and wanes, so do our hormones, our moods, our energy levels and so much more. When I began to tune into this wisdom and the way it is reflected for us so beautifully in the cycle of the moon, I felt more deeply connected to my body. I also started to understand why I was having challenges at certain times of the month.
Continue readingWinter Solstice Wisdom
Today marks the Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere, the longest night of the year. In Chinese Medicine, we would consider this the time of the year most associated with yin energy. It’s dark, cool and drawn inward. Similarly, Winter is the season associated with the water element. Water runs deep into the earth for nourishment before the onset of Spring, when the wood element comes to life.
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