The Energetic Pelvis: A Chinese Medicine View

rose cupped in hands - The Energetic Pelvis: A Chinese Medicine View

You could say that my general focus is women’s pelvic health. The female pelvis houses the uterus, ovaries, uterine tubes, cervix, vagina, bladder, rectum and the corresponding openings and includes layers of tissue — muscle, fascia, connective tissue and erectile tissue. Every person (so far!) enters the world first living in and emerging from this place. Pelvic health is essential for vibrant health, sexuality, reproduction and a felt sense of safety.

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Preparing for the Fourth Trimester

flower fields - Preparing for the Fourth Trimester

Fortunately, there are a growing number of resources available for mothers and new families around preparing for the 4th trimester and centering a mother’s healing journey during those first months postpartum. I’ve written two other articles on postpartum healing and why it’s such a crucial time to rest and get support. I’ll include those in the resources section of this post and I encourage you to read those if you’re uncertain as to why this is important in the first place.

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How to use castor oil for womb healing, immune support and scar tissue repair

Castor oil beans - How to use castor oil for womb healing, immune support and scar tissue repair

I often recommend self care practices with the use of castor oil in my practice. It is also one of my main tools for softening and mobilizing scar tissue manually during a pelvic healing session.

In this post, I want to highlight how you can use it for self care and healing.

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The Sacred and the Mundane of the Womb Heart Connection

Wet flower close up - The Sacred and the Mundane of the Womb Heart Connection

The connection between the heart and the womb is both mysterious and practical when it comes to whole woman care, fertility cycles, sexuality, birthing and beyond.

Beyond learning through my own felt experience, I solidified my understanding around this connection during my formal Chinese medicine education. For that reason, this post will include a good amount of Chinese medicine terminology and explanations of the body from that lens.

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